Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rest in Peace, Daddy

My dad passed away on August 23, 2013 at 2:05 pm. I know the exact time because I was there with him and surrounding him was my mother, sister (Sheila), one brother (Byron), and my mom's sister (Ruby). Dad didn't die alone... and I am so thankful that I could be there when he died. He had been admitted to the hospital on August 19 with pneumonia that he never got over from a month ago. The ER doctor was very kind to us but said dad would not be getting better, he would just keep getting sicker. So we made the decision to get Hospice in to help take care of dad. They said that he would not live very long in the condition he was in. It was a very difficult night for us all.
But I know, at least I think I know, that Dad knew he was dying. Even though his mind was failing fast I still think he knew that God was calling him home. He seemed at peace the next day or maybe it was the meds he was taking for pain. He responded to our  shut in minister, Harold Klinker, when Harold had touched Dad on the shoulder and asked him if he could pray for him dad responded with a breathy "yeah". That was the only time I heard dad utter any kind of word from then on out.
Christmas 2012

His funeral was August 27, 2013. It was a nice funeral with a military send off at the grave site. I spoke on behalf of my siblings because they just didn't think they could speak without breaking down. It was an honor to speak of the love we all shared for Dad and to think of some of the fond memories we all had.
Now my mom is getting ready to have surgery on September 16th. She feels like she can focus positively on getting better now that she doesn't have to worry about dad. She was always worried about dad. I'm glad she loved him that much to always think of him. She misses him terribly. We all do.
So I think Dad's last incredible thought was that we all loved him very much and made it through with him until his final breath... thank you Jesus for loving my daddy.