Thursday, September 18, 2008

Precious Days

Good morning world!

I've been helping my husband with a remodeling project. Painting our bedroom. Oh my goodness. It sounded easy enough. One thing leads to another, how funny is that? Well, I do see the light at the end of the tunnel finally.

But this morning I reflect on one of my children. You see he is leaving the safety of this country to go overseas for six weeks. I am praying for his safety as well as the safety of those he will be with. His family will be coming home for two weeks to stay with us and I cannot wait to see my grandsons. Then in a month I get to spend some time with my granddaughter. I am so blessed. More than I can ever appreciate and thank God for over and over. His Love and Grace and Mercy is undescribable. Thank you Jesus~

So for that one son that I am thinking about today may he feel God's love and His presence more now than ever. Hopefully he will spend a good day today with his children. They will surely miss him in the days ahead and will not understand what's going on.

Does anybody read my blog? If you do I pray that you find what you are searching for. If not here then with some other blog. God Bless your life and give you Peace this day. Amen

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