Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I have a Facebook page. But honestly, I don't know what is so great about Facebook. Maybe my age is showing? To me it's just mindless comments about nothing important or relavent to me. There are times when I try to make a comment about God or my walk with Him to see who's really reading it. Disappointment in knowing only one or two people will comment. But I think it's because people are afraid to let the "friends" know them deeply.
This picture is my youngest grandchild, Madyson. She will be one in December. My son and his family live in California. We live in the Midwest. So you can imagine how often I see them... Count the times on one hand. Even though they are quite a distance away I can just pick up the phone and hear a voice and I'm ok again.
My mother in law has been gone now a couple of years and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Is that because she is near me in spirit? I hope she is. Will my children think of me that often once this life is over? Yes I think they will.
My father in law has been gone a year and sad to say I don't think of him that often. He was an ornery old fart. Very opinionated. I wonder if he is so opinionated with God? Hmmmmmm.
Days at work seem dull. Our season is ending in our work and now we hope to get through the fall and winter. This could be the first time this company has ever had to lay people off. First the part timers will go and possibly one full time employee will go. Things will have to get really bad before I would have to go if you go by seniority but who does that anymore?
Keep praying for Mr. Obama. Why you ask? Because the bible tells us to. Keep praying period. Amen.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Love Your Neighbor

This is the last and most important commandment Jesus gave to his disciples before he was crucified. Are we doing that in our world?

In our little community of 18,000 people we are doing what we know to do. The economics of our community is really changing fast. We need to (each one of us!) ask God for his forgiveness because we have taken terrible responsibility of His creation and have not made wise choices. We have worshipped ourselves more than Him. We have taken more than we have given. We need forgiveness. We need God.

Our church is blessed to have people who follow nudgings from God. Because of those nudgings our church is serving 150 people, who are out of jobs, weekly with free dinner every Wednesday evening. And they plan to keep doing this all summer long and for as long as it takes until things change for these people. And other churches are following suit. It's amazing what God can do through people if we listen to Him. He is talking to you today and I pray you will feel the nudging to be that person who makes a difference in your neighbor's life. Go! Love! Be a blessing to someone today!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Soon to be 51

Well, it's almost my birthday again! I love February just because it is my birthday month. I am trying to not be so cynical in my life. It's easy to get caught up in the stupidity of human nature all around. I am included in that human nature.


I wish I could get away from the noise. The noise in my head, my heart, my soul. I just would like to be able to turn off every sound. At work I get tired of hearing the gossips, it just hurts my ears; I try to tune it out and for the most part am doing that. But honestly... let God handle people you can't. Right? C'mon, can I get an AMEN Sister!


I am not sure why people don't just journal. I guess this is an up to date version of journaling. Hmmmmmm... that is what I'm doing isn't it? But I don't necessarily let the whole world into my chaos. I do that in a seperate journal and I write to God. He really likes my time with Him. Some days I can write forever. Those feelings that I have I share with God - I ask him to help me to understand my shortcomings in life and in my relationships with people. It's very theraputic. Good for the soul.

Ash Wednesday

We are having an Ash Wednesday church service tomorrow night. I look forward to them because usually someone from our congregation will speak about their life and how they found Christ. It's ususally very meaningful and who doesn't need meaning in their life, right? Yes, I am speaking to you in this moment. I believe you are searching for something that has been inside of you all this time. It's God. He is wanting a relationship with you in a very big way. Find some people who can point you to Jesus. That's the first step. Then everything else will fall into place. Detours will happen and if they don't I would be surprised. Everything is clearer when you let go and let God. I'll keep praying for you my friends.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Book of Virtues

My husband bought this book several years ago when our two boys were small. But I put it up and forgot all about it. There is a wonderful selection of stories from long ago that I have forgotten but came back to me like it was yesterday that someone had read these treasures to me. Here is one that has recaptured my heart, The Arrow and the Song by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The author notes:

In this poem, Longfellow suggests that if we offer something of ourselves to the world~ a good deed, a kind word, our love~ eventually we will discover its effects. It may come back to us in a form of a friend:

I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it can follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

This is my mother and father at Christmas in 2008. My father

has dementia. His short term memory is gone.

I believe he found his best friend long ago. Don't they look sweet?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 - We Shall Have a Prosperous Year!

Yes, why not? Let's begin the new year on a positive note. I know this is my year of great happenings. It's like something is stirring up, like something I've been waiting for all my life. This is the year it comes to pass. All of my inner feelings of things to change for the better. It's this year! What an amazing thing to realize and feel deep in my soul.

My newest little grandaughter came into the world on December 16th. Her name is Madyson Gayle. What a pretty little thing she is too! That makes number four! Wow - I can't wait to see how all my grands grow up and decide what they will do with their lives. First and foremost I hope they all will have that special relationship with our heavenly Father. If they start with that then they will be able to get through anything that comes their way. I know this to be true. How He has helped me to endure a marriage that almost wasn't, death of loved ones and friends, joblessness, financial troubles, you name it ~ it probably happened to us one time or another. And we've come out on the other side - very blessed.

Losing loved ones is inevitable. My parents are elderly and not in the best of health. So I know I may lose one of them this year but we know where they are going and that gives us peace.

Our new commander and President, Mr. Obama, is sure to change things for the better. But we must pray for him. We must uphold him to the Lord and ask the Lord to guide this man to the will of the Father. I will do my part. Please do yours. And do it One Day at a Time!