Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Brings...

A new baby into our family is what the first day of April brought to us! Zayne Devere arrived at five pounds and two ounces. His length was 16 1/2". He was four weeks premature due to momma's placenta previa. A few days later he had one of his little lungs collapse. The doctors moved swiftly and put a breathing tube into each lung to begin a process of restoration to his lungs. Things are looking up thanks to many people sending prayers upward to the heavens and asking God to keep his eye on this little sparrow.

My only wish is that all of this had taken place here back where they were living near us. But my daughter-in-law felt a need to move back to California where she is from. And this is without my son. So my (now 3) grandchildren from this marriage will be tossed around between states. I pray that God will reconcile the two adults and make them realize they can get through the things that have driven them apart. I've been there in my marriage and look at me now - thank you Jesus! It's the hard work that gives you a sense of a strong marriage when you can look back at those hard times and what you had to do - both of you - to make it work. God doesn't tell us we will have bliss our entire marriage, no, quite contrary he tell us we will have dark times but when they come He will be there to pull us out of the ashes and into the light!

We learn so much through those times. I think this is a learning time for my son.

Thank you Jesus for all that you've done, are doing, and will do again in my life.

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