Friday, March 22, 2013

Dementia and my Dad

Dad was put into Woodcrest nursing home on November 27, 2012. Since that time my mom, sister and I have been in transition. My mom was very sick prior to his going to Woodcrest. She had a bout with bronchitis and the flu. My sister and I would go over to her home to make sure she was out of bed, dressed and fed. We made meals for her, paid any bills, cleaned up her home - whatever she needed we provided. During this time she was feeling very guilty for having put Dad in a nursing home. But honestly, I think she would have died if she had to keep caring for him. You see my father has dementia/alzheimer's. And I know my mom did the best thing possible not only for herself but for dad.
The nursing staff at Woodcrest raves over Dad that he is just a joy to have. They think he is a very sweet man. And he is! But for some reason when he lived at home he fretted all the time and clung to mom like a little whipped pup. I believe that being in the nursing home he no longer has any worries, has lots of positive attention, and can do whatever he wants to do when he wants to do it.
When I visit him he is mostly napping but happy to wake up to say hi then peacefully nods off again. And it's in those moments I am most happy for him. I see him as a jolly man. Though he is not the man I can get advice from anymore I can still receive his love and affection. That is all that matters.   
I love you daddy.

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