Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday - Finally

Been up since 6 am; did the usual~ fixed hubby's lunch for his work day, now pondering what to do next on a list of many.
~ laundry
~ meeting at church
~ a wedding in the afternoon
~ clean house - one room at a time - it's overwhelming for someone who hates housework (me!)

Looking forward to the day with all the surprises that come my way.

Church in the morning - 2 services ( I sing in both )

Been reading a blog of a friend who hasn't been in my life for about 5 or 6 years. She probably doesn't even care for the friendship that we once had. She worked briefly where I worked but she was an interesting character who has moved around a lot. A kind of gypsie I think. She is even more restless than I am. I've been curious to email her on her blog but think it would scare her to death knowing I found her. Maybe scare is not the correct word. She has a past that I think she is running from - a death of a child, bad relationships with men... the list probably goes on but I really didn't know her that well. I'm just one of the people in her past and I might stir up some feelings that she wouldn't want to experience again. So I will pray for her instead. I believe in prayer... it's such an intimate feeling one has with the Lord when you say what is truly on your heart. And you know He is listening and loving you all at the same time.

I wish my husband would find him a new job; one that he wants so badly. God help him to find it. Amen

You all have a wonderful day - one day at at time!

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