Tuesday, December 9, 2008

His Journey is Over

My last blog requested prayer for my uncle Calvin and his family. His journey on this earth ended at 4:40 pm, Sunday, December 7, 2008. Praise our wonderful Creator God for the many blessings this one soul has given to all who called him son, brother, cousin, father, husband, uncle, grandpa, great-grandpa. And to those whom we shall never know he blessed but they know... we give God the glory for this life. Amen.

Have I got it all done yet? Nope. But will give it all I've got this weekend once my "appointments" are kept and finished the rest of this week.

Baby it's cold outside. And we have lights to hang! But we will get that done even if it KILLS us! Oops, I should never be so negative.

And another baby girl will be born unto us sometime between now and December 25th. What a nice little package she will be. We are anticipating her arrival and pray that God carries her into this world with the sweetest sound of life that anyone could ever imagine. Lord, bless this baby girl like you've never blessed before. Amen.

Today has been a very busy time for my husband. And even tonight he will be sitting through two meetings at church. It's hard to work an eight hour day and have the energy to do things like that. We're not spring chickens anymore. My body tells me that every day.

What else is on my mind as I enter these words of wisdom? Oh, I have some songs to learn for our upcoming Christmas program - this too shall pass.

My wish for those of you who read my posts will think about your life experiences and realize that maybe the thing you've been missing is right there in God's love. If you have not given your life to Him I pray you will search for His truth in your life. Find a good christian friend and fellowship with her or him, or them! Learn to live your life with wonder through serving others. Read God's word and mediate on what you read. Just one scripture could change your life. Just one!

And do it one day at a time...

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