Sunday, January 31, 2010

Changes for 2010

Life sure changes on a dime. Though we've had time to adjust to the idea it's still taking a toll somewhat on our lives. It's a good toll though. It's making us step out of the boat to walk on that water like Jesus did. He calmed the storm then and he calms the storm - even now when the waters begin to rock us back and forth. What is rocking us back and forth you ask? We've let our son and family move in with us until they can get a place they can call their own. Risky? You betcha! But the ups and downs are going to happen - it's inevitable. And when they come we get through them! It's an experience I know I will look back upon and really say to myself we did a good thing for our kids. Will I do it again? Yes, if that should happen again, yes. My kids are my most cherished gifts from God. I'll never turn my back on them - even if it kills me ---- literally!

Our church family is getting ready to make some changes too. Our pastor, friend, and father figure to some, is getting ready to retire. YUK!!! We don't want him to!!!! But we know we can't change those things. As we prepare for the arrival of our new minister, we are reminded we need to give this new person room to spread HER wings and fly! Yes, HER wings. This will be a problem for some people - and to tell you the truth there will always be those people in your congregation that will never be satisfied with anything that's done. And you know what? I give those people and their little minds to God. He can deal with them a whole lot better than I can! I know there is not one perfect church; afterall, look who the church is! A bunch of sinners; what do 'ya expect? Huh? Huh?

If you are not in a church because of those little minded people, I ask you to not let them deter you from finding your faith. There are so many other good people in church with whom you can feel safe with to tell your troubles too, who will nuture you and be a friend. Just pray to God to help you to find them. He's already helping you if you are reading my post. I love God. He is my friend and I can give Him all my troubles. So can you.... One Day at a Time!

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