Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Worst Day

Rented a movie last night and it was a very good. It had me laughing and crying all through the movie. You need to go out and rent it. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close... with Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock but the the star in the show is the young boy who plays their son. He stole the show. But I worn you... have tissues near.

Today I was discombobbled. I'm not sure if it was the after effects of that movie or just what it was but I've not been myself all day. I just wanted to have some peace and quiet but that is not how my day began. My husband persuaded me to get outside and work it off. Whatever "it" was has finally begun to leave me I think. Good old fashioned working in the yard, trimming some bushes, pulling weeds, just plain old nature sure is good for the soul. Thank you sweetheart... I needed that more than I realized...

Now we will be getting ready to have a toast with a friend who will be in the neighborhood celebrating her 60th birthday. Her sons planned a very lovely surprise down memory land via a rented limosine, taking her all over the area to greet old friends and old neighborhood hangouts. Her husband died a few years ago or so and I think it's great how her sons are doing this for her. She's a classy lady and deserves all the best life has to offer!

Tomorrow is Easter and I'm singing a duet in church with a very pretty songbird, Deanna. And we have a huge choir singing too. Should be a grand day to celebrate our Savior and all that he's done for us. Thank you Jesus.

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