Monday, January 2, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

I don't know about anyone else but I catch an episode here and there and feel so appalled at how filthy rich these ladies are, the power they seem to have, and how odd my life would seem to them. Life would certainly be more entertaining if one of those ladies switched rolls with someone more down to "real" than they are. I don't think I'm jealous because I couldn't handle the drama they seem to have in their lives. My drama isn't even drama compared to the likes of the Hollywood Hills Mamma's...

God knows the plans he has for me. And that statement makes me wonder about His plans for any of those poor women. All you see is one party after another, who's fighting with who, facelifts, lip lifts, and a lot of "poor pitifiul me" going on - do any of them worship Him? Not one episode of anybody praising God, thanking God, or even acknowledging Him for all He has bestowed upon them. Or has what they have been bestowed upon them by the devil himself?
At the end of the day I'm so happy to live simply and be grateful to God for my life. One day at a time is all I can do... how about you?

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