Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

My husband, Mike, lost his election to the incumbent last night. But the thing that really upsets me is how people voted. People really do not research the candidates. They are lazy and excuse me - they are also inept. Many people just go blindly into a polling site and vote their party - regardless of who is running. Most of the people had no clue who they were voting for and this is ridiculous given the technology of where we can get our information.

And most of the voters in our area are Republicans. We are Democrats. And I am proud to be from a long line of Democrats. The Democratic Party has given us plenty of good people who have changed the world to a better world.

It was a Democrat who paved the way for a 40 hour work week; it was a Union Democrat that paved the way for safety in our workplaces. How many people know this? Not many and I'm not going to get on a soapbox here to give more Democratic Ideals as I would most likely get bashed from a reader here and there who may be Republican.

And as a Democrat I DO NOT believe in ABORTION. And as a Democrat I do believe we have the right to bear arms.

A Fort Wayne newspaper, the Journal Gazette, wrote that Mike was "clobbered" by the incumbent. Clobbered? When in writing about other Democrats who lost to other Republicans the writer never used any harsh language. 

So I emailed this person and said, "You could have used a different word other than "clobbered" regarding Matt Lehman's win against my husband, Mike Snyder (District 79) who worked his butt off in this campaign. I felt your use of the word "clobbered"  was harsh and unnecessary."
She replied,   "Sorry you were offended by the wording. I had 12 races in one story and could not use the same word all the time. I had to mix it up. I don't think the word inferenced that your husband didn't work hard. It simply recognized the margin of defeat, which was double the votes for Lehman."

I went this far and never got upset with anyone until I read that article and I just boiled over. And now it's over.

Thank you Jesus for all the blessings I have been given and will be given indeed.

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