Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Loss of a Friend

Ok, so my mother-in-law died in Nov 2007, my father-in-law just this past June, my mom's sister this past weekend, and now a friend and co-worker just Monday was killed in a motorcycle/SUV accident. Were they all ready to go to their final resting places? Who knows? Am I - are you?? I believe I am spiritually ready but I am not ready to leave my loved ones. I'm sure they were not either. But I know they are resting and waiting for all of us again.

This friend of mine, his name on the internet was KLRCary. He loved his KLR650 motorcycle and he was a mechanic at our workplace. And a very good one at that. He sure had an ornory side to him. Very mischeivous and playful but also very serious when there was work to be done. A lot of people knew they could depend upon Cary to get the job done and it would be done with precise accuracy. How many of us work hard like that with what we are paid to do 40 hours a week? You know God calls us to give our best in all that we do whether we like doing it or not. The payoff is to be in His presence someday and to live with Him in the heavenlies. That's what I want at the end of my life. I know Cary wanted that too. We had lots of deep spiritual conversations. He knew the Lord and believed in Him.

So I am sad of his passing from this earth but jealous because he made it to heaven before I did... I thank God for his life while he was with us. I know he's riding something or fixing something for God right now. Go Cary!

As you go to bed tonight please thank God for your life and where He has put you. Maybe you are not happy where you are but God knows what He's doing and has a plan for you so just give Him the reigns over your life and enjoy the ride!

God Bless!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I am so sorry over all the grief you have encountered. I too am jealous as they are with my daughter whilst I am here. I miss you my friend.