Monday, June 28, 2010

Everyday Lord I Learn To Stand Upon Your Word!

My mind is not able to comprehend something. My sister is going through a hellish time with her one and only daughter-in-law. And if I could wish for something and have it happen I would wish that this girl would see into her future as to the terrible lonliness she will have some day because of her constant outbursts of hate she thwarts at people in her life. I believe in prayer, I believe we must give it all to God - the hurt, anger, deceit we find in others, whatever is working against us we must give it to God. I will give it to God again and again. As long as I live and breath I must do this. He sustains us and gives us His Peace. Thank you, Jesus. My redeemer and friend. The One who knows me better that I know myself.

Press on... one day at a time.

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