Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tis the Season?

Oh wait a minute! Just hooooolllllddd on! It's not Thanksgiving yet! What is happening with the retail stores? Are they so greedy that they can't stop and smell the roses? Come on! Why rush the seasons? That's why people become so anxious! They have not had time to "take it one day at a time" instead they get cramed up with what the next best thing to buy that special person in your life so they will LOVE YOU MORE than they do now? Yeah, right! My husband loves me just the way I am and ditto my feelings for him. I don't need a new IPOD, or Widget, Gadget, or any other electronic device that everybody else has. I need TIME, Hugs, Kisses, all the good stuff that doesn't last forever on this earth. How about you?

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