Sunday, November 18, 2012

Is Anybody Out There?

Hmmmmmm... are you reading my posts? I'd like some comments please :o)

Is anybody out there? Out where? In the great Cosmos I guess? Yes, that is what I'm talking about! God,

Laid off

Yes I am laid off of work at Schnitz Racing. I have been employed there for almost 15 years and have never been laid off from this place. Is the economy that bad? No, I believe I was laid off because the owner didn't handle his finances very well and it has caught up to him and unfortunately to those of us he's laid off. But he and his wife will still be taking their big cousin's trip and not give a thought to what the other employees are doing - the unemployment check we receive is so little. But at least we get something while we wait to be hired back I just needed to blow off some pent up steam.

I am keeping my eyes and ears peeled for a new job all together. A friend of mine said to watch for VA jobs opening up soon. But I don't have any kind of a degree and I'm soon to be 55 - who wants to hire an old fart like me? Sure I have skills! But I have no degree. Just a degree from life experiences. Doesn't that count for anything? I pray it does.

Keep me in your prayers, please?
One day at at time....

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

My husband, Mike, lost his election to the incumbent last night. But the thing that really upsets me is how people voted. People really do not research the candidates. They are lazy and excuse me - they are also inept. Many people just go blindly into a polling site and vote their party - regardless of who is running. Most of the people had no clue who they were voting for and this is ridiculous given the technology of where we can get our information.

And most of the voters in our area are Republicans. We are Democrats. And I am proud to be from a long line of Democrats. The Democratic Party has given us plenty of good people who have changed the world to a better world.

It was a Democrat who paved the way for a 40 hour work week; it was a Union Democrat that paved the way for safety in our workplaces. How many people know this? Not many and I'm not going to get on a soapbox here to give more Democratic Ideals as I would most likely get bashed from a reader here and there who may be Republican.

And as a Democrat I DO NOT believe in ABORTION. And as a Democrat I do believe we have the right to bear arms.

A Fort Wayne newspaper, the Journal Gazette, wrote that Mike was "clobbered" by the incumbent. Clobbered? When in writing about other Democrats who lost to other Republicans the writer never used any harsh language. 

So I emailed this person and said, "You could have used a different word other than "clobbered" regarding Matt Lehman's win against my husband, Mike Snyder (District 79) who worked his butt off in this campaign. I felt your use of the word "clobbered"  was harsh and unnecessary."
She replied,   "Sorry you were offended by the wording. I had 12 races in one story and could not use the same word all the time. I had to mix it up. I don't think the word inferenced that your husband didn't work hard. It simply recognized the margin of defeat, which was double the votes for Lehman."

I went this far and never got upset with anyone until I read that article and I just boiled over. And now it's over.

Thank you Jesus for all the blessings I have been given and will be given indeed.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


At the beginning was the decision.

After the decision came the price.

After the price came the determination.

After the determination came the blood, sweat and tears.

After the tears came the freedom.

After the freedom came the answer.

After the answer came then peace was found.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Two Kinds of People

I have an old book that became mine when my mother-in-law passed away. It's title is Words to Live By. There are several authors who penned their opinions from subjects like growing up, doing and being, loving and liking, definitions of success and more. While reading one in particular it spoke volumes to me and how we need to take care of this world we live in by doing what we can now! I want to share it with you....
 The author, Roger Hull, writes:
Have you ever asked yourself this question:  If every citizen performed just as you do, where would the country be?  What if every fellow worked at his job the way you work, showed the same interest, the same diligence, the same faithfulness, the same skill and discipline?  What would happen to our country? Someone has aptly said that there are really only two kinds of people: those who are part of the problem and those who are part of the solution.  Well, what about you? Do you think only in terms of yourself - how much you can make, what you can get out of life?  Those who think that way are definitely part of the problem. Or are you concerned with the contribution you can make - how much you can give, how much you can put in? People like that are part of the answer. Some people treat life like a slot machine, trying to put in as little as possible, and always hoping to hit the jackpot. But I believe that people are wiser, happier, and have more inner peace when they think of life as a solid, intelligent investment from which they receive in terms of what they put in. And by so doing they help preserve our free society.

Our lives are getting more and more chaotic because we are not taking care of ourselves but instead are allowing others to make decisions for us because we don't do one very important thing... VOTE! If you are feeling like you can't make a difference let me tell you YES YOU CAN! When people are concerned enough, tired enough, disgusted enough, they will make a difference. But let's do it in a civil manner. No trash talking against others. That is not good for anybody is it? Can't we have opinions without fearing that someone will tear that opinion apart and with it our dignity? After all, we are Americans! Do we remember what that means?

Let's hear it from George D. Mardikian, author of Son of America...
The other day, in Seattle, Washington, I gave a talk before several hundred people, and told them that I thought America was a strong, beautiful and righteous country. A young man came up to me afterward and said with a knowing smile, "No wonder you go about singing the praise of America. In Europe, you were nothing. America has made you rich and famous." Before I could reply he was gone.
It's true America has been good to me, and I count my blessings every day. But I wanted to find that young man and say, "You miss my point. The priceless thing America has given to me has nothing to do with money or fame. Some would call it national pride. I call it the dignity of being American."
To someone born here -- born free -- it's hard to understand. He's never known what it is to be without it. I was born in Armenia. Today, I cannot find my Armenia -- the Armenia of my fathers -- on the map.
Forty years ago, when I came to America, I had to flee my home like a criminal. yet my only crime was being an Armenian. That July morning, when I first saw the Statue of Liberty from the deck of the immigrant steamer, it was like suddenly hearing a hymn of hope. I lifted my head, and my heart. I took deep breaths of the fresh harbor air. For the first time in my life, I felt free -- thrillingly and blessedly free.
This, thank God, is not a private experience. There are millions like me in America today-- fugitives from unhappy lands across the seas. We're grateful of course for our three meals a day, and our jobs, and for the opportunities that America has so generously given to us and our children.
But we'd fight and die before we'd give up that feeling of dignity-- that right to hold up our heads, look the world in the eye, and call ourselves Americans.

Wow - that was a great story!  Makes me proud to be a born an American! How about you? Please don't take your freedoms for granted. Take the time to understand what kind of mess this America is in and that it didn't happen over night and it sure isn't going to get cleaned up any quicker. But if we pull together and do the right thing every day for ourselves and for the generations we leave behind then maybe, just maybe this will be the America we all can be proud to claim!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Worst Day

Rented a movie last night and it was a very good. It had me laughing and crying all through the movie. You need to go out and rent it. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close... with Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock but the the star in the show is the young boy who plays their son. He stole the show. But I worn you... have tissues near.

Today I was discombobbled. I'm not sure if it was the after effects of that movie or just what it was but I've not been myself all day. I just wanted to have some peace and quiet but that is not how my day began. My husband persuaded me to get outside and work it off. Whatever "it" was has finally begun to leave me I think. Good old fashioned working in the yard, trimming some bushes, pulling weeds, just plain old nature sure is good for the soul. Thank you sweetheart... I needed that more than I realized...

Now we will be getting ready to have a toast with a friend who will be in the neighborhood celebrating her 60th birthday. Her sons planned a very lovely surprise down memory land via a rented limosine, taking her all over the area to greet old friends and old neighborhood hangouts. Her husband died a few years ago or so and I think it's great how her sons are doing this for her. She's a classy lady and deserves all the best life has to offer!

Tomorrow is Easter and I'm singing a duet in church with a very pretty songbird, Deanna. And we have a huge choir singing too. Should be a grand day to celebrate our Savior and all that he's done for us. Thank you Jesus.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

I don't know about anyone else but I catch an episode here and there and feel so appalled at how filthy rich these ladies are, the power they seem to have, and how odd my life would seem to them. Life would certainly be more entertaining if one of those ladies switched rolls with someone more down to "real" than they are. I don't think I'm jealous because I couldn't handle the drama they seem to have in their lives. My drama isn't even drama compared to the likes of the Hollywood Hills Mamma's...

God knows the plans he has for me. And that statement makes me wonder about His plans for any of those poor women. All you see is one party after another, who's fighting with who, facelifts, lip lifts, and a lot of "poor pitifiul me" going on - do any of them worship Him? Not one episode of anybody praising God, thanking God, or even acknowledging Him for all He has bestowed upon them. Or has what they have been bestowed upon them by the devil himself?
At the end of the day I'm so happy to live simply and be grateful to God for my life. One day at a time is all I can do... how about you?