Monday, April 26, 2010

Deaths Happen in Dozens not Threes

Deaths happen in threes they say. Well I think they happen in dozens. We are not even half way through 2010 and I've been to a funeral home probably more times that I can count on my fingers. I am really trying very hard to put my hope in Jesus. Really trying hard to make sense of some people's deaths that just happened within hours of each other. Dear Father, I know we lean on you during the times that we cannot make sense of why... right now I am just exhausted and I'm barely hanging on so please comfort me as well.
My heart is breaking for some young college girls who have grown up in our church. Their father was found dead by their grandmother. This precious grandmother is my neighbor. She lost her husband over a year ago and now she has lost her one and only son. As the day was ending I got a text on my phone from a co-worker telling me that she had heard something from her stepson. Now my heart is breaking for a part-time college kid who works where I am employed. His father had moved the rest of the family to Alabama. It was a work related move. Anyways, the father had just bought a motorcycle and he and his wife were riding it and were involved in a tragic accident which killed them both. Shocking is the not even the description of my comprehension of these tragic deaths. When deaths happen which just leave you speechless you wonder then what must the family be feeling? Oh God please comfort these children who are left behind to mourn for their mommy and daddy. Yes these kids are not little anymore but they are still kids just the same. Thank God for their grandparents who are going to be there for them!

Please, if you are reading my post, take this opportunity to know God more. Life on this earth should not be wasted on hurting others or yourself. Love deeply like Jesus did. Love people no matter what they've done to you. Love someone today, please? I will be loving up two families this week who will be lost in grief. As I end this post I do so with tears in my eyes but looking upward to heaven asking God to be with them all, one day at a time.

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